Le Stanze del Conte

How to reach us

Le Stanze del Conte are in via Visita Poveri n. 4, a short and characteristic corner street with via Vittorio Emanuele that recently has become a meeting place for the Palermitan nightlife.

In just a few minutes you will be able to reach on foot the Cathedral, Palazzo Reale or Palazzo dei Normanni, chiesa della Magione, chiesa di San Cataldo or chiesa della Martorana (in fact the building is in the middle of the “Palermo Arabo-Normanna” itinerary), and also the other city attractions such as Teatro Massimo, the Quattro Canti and Teatro Politeama.

From the Falcone Borsellino Airport

From the Central Station

From the Port


Le Stanze del Conte are in the pedestrian area within the ZTL’s perimeter. To circulate with a car within the ZTL a pass is mandatory when it is active.

It is possible to park free of charge in the near Foro Italico Umberto I or at a cost in some of the private parking spaces in the apartments’ proximity.